There is no simple equivalent of the ant zip target in mvn right now.

The way to do it is described in the 2nd answer to the following stackoverflow

What to include in the assembly is described in the ant build.xml file / zip target.

Submitted by Arie van Deursen on 4 February 2011 at 12:39

On 4 February 2011 at 13:45 Arie van Deursen tagged mvn

On 4 February 2011 at 13:47 Arie van Deursen tagged 4.4

On 6 February 2011 at 16:07 Arie van Deursen tagged 4.5_snapshot

On 6 February 2011 at 16:07 Arie van Deursen removed tag 4.4

On 6 February 2011 at 17:36 Arie van Deursen tagged 4.4.2

On 6 February 2011 at 17:36 Arie van Deursen closed this issue.

On 6 February 2011 at 17:37 Arie van Deursen removed tag 4.5_snapshot

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