STR-679: parse-unit: update error reporting to new error format (see sglri)
/nix/var/nix/profiles/strategoxt-baseline/bin/parse-unit -i symbols.testsuite -p ../syn/Stratego-Sdf2-tests.tbl
Submitted on 11 January 2007 at 10:56
executing testsuite Symbols with 6 tests
* OK : test 1 (cc)
* OK : test 2 (cc0)
* OK : test 3 (cc1)
* OK : test 4 (cc123)
* ERROR: test 5 (L:S)
- parsing failed
error: An error occured, but the error summary cannot be presented in a nice way. Please report this as a bug.
Structured error summary: error(“Parse error”,[localized(“eof unexpected”,area-in-file(“string”,area(1,3,1,3,4,0)))])
- expected: labeled(sort(meta-var(“S”)))
* ERROR: test 6 (L)
- parsing failed
error: An error occured, but the error summary cannot be presented in a nice way. Please report this as a bug.
Structured error summary: error(“1 ambiguous subsentences found”,[localized(“input sentence”,file(“string”))])
- expected: meta-var(“L”)
results testsuite Symbols
successes : 4
failures : 2
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