Pattern matching on ATerm strategy parameters
I would like to be able to pattern match on ATerm parameters.
eval(|"methpar-1") = is-methodreference eval(|"methpar-2") = methodreference-get-method eval(|"methpar-3") = methodreference-get-params;map(param-get-name) eval(|"methpar-4") = methodreference-get-method
Should be sugar for
Submitted by Daco Harkes on 16 January 2015 at 13:50eval(|f) = where("methpar-1":=f); is-methodreference eval(|f) = where("methpar-2":=f); methodreference-get-method eval(|f) = where("methpar-3":=f); methodreference-get-params;map(param-get-name) eval(|f) = where("methpar-4":=f); methodreference-get-method
Issue Log
You mean you want to be able to pattern match on term parameters! Strategy parameters are the parameters before the |
Yes, I’ve wanted to do that myself.
This requires an extension of the syntax + a desugaring. Shouldn’t be too hard. And it should work for rules as well, of course.
Yes, sorry for the confusion of calling it both term and strategy parameters. (Note I called it ATerm parameters because the stratego xt api calls it ATerm parameters.)
By the looks of it it is indeed just a syntax extension (it doesnt parse now) + syntactic desugaring.
This feature has now been added to Stratego. See metaborg/strategoxt/pull#14. The syntax is as follows:
You can specify any term as a term parameter to a strategy or rule, not just variables. You can mix-and-match term variables with term patterns:
mystrategy(|"exact", v) = !v
Use a wildcard if you don’t care about the value:
mystrategy(|_) = !()
The syntax works for both rules and strategies:
myrule(|"exact"): x -> x
Strategy application is supported:
mystrategy(|<newname> "a") = !()
…also without a term:
myrule(|<id>): _ -> ()
…which allows negative matching:
mystrategy(|<not(?"x")>) = id
As an example, a switch-case using strategies:
to-english(|1) = !"one" to-english(|2) = !"two" to-english(|_) = !"many"
Thanks Daniël! Can you put this documentation on the website?
Sure, but where would you want me to put it? There is only very limited Stratego documentation on, the main documentation is on
Somewhere in the stratego directory; we should get started somehow.
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