Encourage users to use verbatim tags for code in issues (1)
How about a line that says:
Use <verbatim> for code fragments and markdown syntax for styling.under the text box of the create issue page? Doesn’t seem that obtrusive to me, and it would be very helpful. I keep having to fix other people’s posts…
(related issue: WebDSL/136)
Submitted by Lennart Kats on 7 April 2010 at 13:34
Issue Log
Indeed. When a manual is needed to use a page, this should be a smell that the page is not user friendly. Adding a manual to the bottom of a page makes the situation worse by cluttering the user’s view. I know that using such a manual (or cheatsheet) at the bottom of an editing page is normal for wikis, but then again, I believe we should only use wikis for deciding how NOT to design a user interface. Furthermore, it is doubtful whether users will actually read the manual.
IMO, the best solution would be a graphical editor. Yet this may take time to become available in WebDSL.
We sort of had this discussion offline already, but for the sake of completeness, I’ll reply here again. I’m not asking for a manual. I definitely don’t want a complete list of all markdown features down there. Just tell people they can use verbatim for code, stacktraces, logs, etc. And link to another page for general, non-essential formatting/styling.
Currently, I link to the syntax explanation. I can change this to also mention verbatim blocks. Sooner or later, people want to use verbatim words in text, so I’ll explain verbatim in text, verbatim blocks and link to the syntax. Next, people want to use numbered lists as well, so I’ll explain numbered lists, verbatim in text, verbatim blocks and link to the syntax. Next, people want to ….
My point being that we will end up with the Wiki cheatsheets/manuals. These are undesirable. I understand you would just like to mention verbatim and a syntax link now. But since this is in no way complete (not theoretically, but also not practically and not even for an issue tracker), we will end up extending the list and constructing our very own cheatsheet.
You might want to mention somewhere that the input boxes are actually “Markdown-enabled”.
Indeed that is not quite clear. Will fix this as well.
Similar issue: department/25 “Answers without verbatim can become completely unreadable”. For the department, a
button would make sense. Maybe also something to consider for YellowGrass?
Hopefully the live preview for issues (and the markdown manual link) solves this problem.
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