Right now, ‘Curry On’ is modelled as subconference for ECOOP 2015, but it has its own website: http://www.curryon2015.heathermiller.net

What should we support?

  • Subconference to be displayed in the menues (navigation bar/footer) linking directly to the external website (in new tab I suggest)
  • Modelling sessions and events in the conf.researchr.org app so it can become part of the schedule of, in this case, ECOOP. This requires entering content twice, i.e. on external website and in our system.
  • suggestion: show site in iframe?
Submitted by Elmer van Chastelet on 3 February 2015 at 15:25

On 27 February 2015 at 00:23 Craig Anslow commented:

this is similar problem for PLOP 2015 as well.

Cheers Craig

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