I’ve signed up. I replied to the confirmation email. I received the email from the moderator. Nonetheless, I cannot login. I’m told the email is not recognized. However, the email (a.fernandes@manchester.ac.uk) is the same email that was used in sending me the confirmation email and the moderator email. I can neither sign in nor request a password change. I feel deadlocked. A bug therefore?



Submitted on 30 September 2010 at 15:24

On 30 September 2010 at 16:21 Eelco Visser commented:

It seems the email is sent, but then the transaction is not committed in the database due to some problem. I’ll look into it. You should get a new registration verification once the problem is solved. Apologies for the inconvience.

On 30 September 2010 at 16:21 Eelco Visser closed this issue.

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