Some search results don’t reflect the information need reflected in a user’s query.
The following list is open for more search issues not already reported.

Example issues + solutions (to be extended):

  1. model view controler

Can be solved by using proximity queries. The closer multiple query terms appear next to each other, the higher a matching publication appears in the result list. Needs some investigation/testing how this works out searching on multiple fields
1. example of query term<->author name clash ?
may be solved by adding controls (check boxes) for what fields to use for search. By default we allow flexible searching, matching publication titles, abstract, authors, tags, year of publication and venue. The latter fields may not always be desirable, so we should allow to disable these fields for matching.
1. bad did-you-mean heuristic: visual perception computer
The first did-you-mean suggestion result in less results. We may want to extend the heuristic* with an additional search (no retrieval) to check if the suggestion is meaningful wrt the original query.
*searcher.getFacetSelection().length < 1 && ( (query.contains(" ") && resultSize < 5) || !query.contains(" ") && resultSize < 20)

Submitted by Elmer van Chastelet on 27 June 2013 at 13:09

On 27 June 2013 at 13:09 Elmer van Chastelet tagged search

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